27 July 2012

A President for All

In just a few weeks, the national conventions for the US presidential elections will take place.  The Republican convention will be held in Tampa, Florida while the Democratic convention will take place in Charlotte, North Carolina.  Both states are key to the November election.  Recalling the electoral votes from 4 years ago, here is the  2008 Electoral Map

As the campaign enters the final months, no doubt the political rhetoric will  heat up and the candidates will make all kinds of campaign stops.  The presumed nominee for the Republican Party, Mitt Romney is on an international tour.  After day one, he was already stumbling.  You cannot go to some one's country and criticize them.  It just does not work like that, but he did.  He criticized the British on their ability to host the 2012 Summer Games just days before the opening ceremony.  I guess since he was the chairman of the Salt Lake City winter games, no one was in a better position to say something than he is.

Despite all of the criticism that President Obama receives, many people around the world believe that he is on their side.  The other day, I came across a picture from Niger, a country in West Africa and one of the poorest in the world.  There in a fishing village, a man was wearing a shirt that should bring any American to tears.  Here is the picture taken by Anthony Pappone, Festival on the Niger. This man may never meet President Obama, but he knows of him and seems to believe in him.  President Obama's decisions go far beyond the shores of the United States.  If people in the US want the world to respect them then they need to start respecting their own president.  It seems the rest of the world does, for Barack Obama is a president for all.

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